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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 120 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility My List

ABRIS du gameur (L')

 ABRIS du gameur (L')Trois-Rivières Community work on virtual platforms and social networks with people who play video games and their relatives, in order to break isolation * listening, support and referral * real-time video game chat ... [More]   Add to List

Map RecordAcouphènes Québec

Map RecordAcouphènes QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-276-7772   Add to List

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights

 Action Canada for Sexual Health & RightsOntario To ensure that everyone has access to the information, resources and services required to make and exercise informed choices on all aspects of their sexual and reproductive health and rights * not a w ... [More] 613-241-4474   Add to List

Map RecordA-DROIT de Chaudière-Appalaches (L')

Map RecordA-DROIT de Chaudière-Appalaches (L')Lévis (Quartier) Promotion and protection of rights of people living of having lived with mental illness * Resource and support of individual initiatives for protection of rights * Awareness and information in the app ... [More] 418-837-1113 poste 0 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordAide aux trans du Québec

Map RecordAide aux trans du Québec1-2- Saint-Roch (Quartier) More informations available on the French version Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordAide aux trans du Québec

Map RecordAide aux trans du QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version   Add to List

Map RecordAlbatros Capitale-Nationale

Map RecordAlbatros Capitale-Nationale6-2- Maizerets (Quartier) Voluntary support for people in palliative care or at the end of life, their relatives and the mourners * support and respite at home, in the hospital, in a residential and long-term care center (CHSL ... [More] 418-204-1533 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
People in palliative care or at the end of life, their relatives * Mourners
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Map RecordAllaitement Québec

Map RecordAllaitement Québec4-5- Saint-Charles-Borromée (Quartier) Information and support for mothers who are breastfeeding or wish to do so * telephone support * pre and postnatal information meetings * help, support and information for pregnant or breastfeeding wo ... [More] Aide et soutien téléphonique 418-623-0971 
Clinique communautaire Charlesbourg et Sainte-Marie (obtenir un rendez-vous) 418-704-3575 
Tire-lait Charlesbourg 418-704-3575 
Tire-lait Bellechasse 418-883-3101 * 1-800-454-3101 
Tire-lait Portneuf 418-285-6496 
Tire-lait Québec 418-456-5299 Parents * futurs parents * familles * femmes enceintes Add to List

Map RecordAlliance des groupes d'intervention pour le rétablissement en santé mentale

Map RecordAlliance des groupes d'intervention pour le rétablissement en santé mentale1-2- Saint-Roch (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-640-5253 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordAnorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Québec

Map RecordAnorexia Nervosa and Bulimia QuébecPointe-Claire Free professional support to people affected by eating disorders Help and referral line 514-630-0907 Ages: 17 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordAppui pour les proches aidants, Info-aidant

Map RecordAppui pour les proches aidants, Info-aidantMontréal (Ville) Free, confidential and professional telephone helpline for listening, information and referrals * listening and psychosocial support * information * referral to appropriate services and resources in t ... [More] 514-789-2460   Add to List

Map RecordAssociation bénévole de l'Île-d'Orléans

Map RecordAssociation bénévole de l'Île-d'OrléansSaint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans More informations available in the French version 418-828-1586 
Emergency food assistance 418-828-1586 ext 6   Add to List

Map RecordAssociation de la Sépulture Musulmane au Québec

Map RecordAssociation de la Sépulture Musulmane au QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-528-1084   Add to List

Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec

 Association des art-thérapeutes du QuébecMontréal (Ville) To promote the development of the profession of art therapy, promote the ethical practice, protect the interests of the persons using the services of art therapists, inform its professional and studen ... [More] Answering machine 514-990-5415 Professional art therapists * Students in art therapy * Individuals highly interested in the subject Add to List

Map RecordAssociation des grands brûlés FLAM

Map RecordAssociation des grands brûlés FLAM6-2- Maizerets (Quartier) Group of burn victims and their loved ones promoting help, mutual aid and support for personal and social rehabilitation * support, orientation and referral services for its clientele from all over ea ... [More] 418-527-7004 People with burn injuries and their families Add to List

Map RecordAssociation des grands-parents du Québec

Map RecordAssociation des grands-parents du QuébecLongueuil More information available in the French version Administration 418-702-3544 
Ligne d'écoute, Montréal 514-745-6110 Ages: 40 year(s) and up Add to List

Association des sexologues du Québec

 Association des sexologues du QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-270-9289   Add to List

Map RecordAssociation québécoise de prévention du suicide

Map RecordAssociation québécoise de prévention du suicide2-1- Neufchâtel Est-Lebourgneuf (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-614-5909   Add to List

Map RecordAssociation québécoise des centres d'intervention en dépendance

Map RecordAssociation québécoise des centres d'intervention en dépendanceTrois-Rivières More informations available in the French version 819-299-6151   Add to List

Map RecordAssociation québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic

Map RecordAssociation québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic2-1- Neufchâtel Est-Lebourgneuf (Quartier) More information available in the French version 418-683-2288   Add to List

Map RecordAumônerie communautaire de Québec

Map RecordAumônerie communautaire de Québec1-1- Vieux-Québec-Cap-Blanc-Colline parlementaire (Quartier) More informations available in the French version Administration 418-692-1762 ext. 247 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordBaluchon répit long terme

Map RecordBaluchon répit long termeMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-762-2667 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordCanada. Anciens combattants Canada, Soutien social blessures stress opérationnel, bureau de la Capitale-Nationale et de la Chaudière-Appalaches

Map RecordCanada. Anciens combattants Canada, Soutien social blessures stress opérationnel, bureau de la Capitale-Nationale et de la Chaudière-Appalaches2-2- Duberger-Les Saules (Quartier) Program between the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada * Discussion between peers in a waiting area at a clinic CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale - OSI Clinic 418-657-3696   Add to List

Canada. National Defence, Canada. Défense Nationale, Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre

 Canada. National Defence, Canada. Défense Nationale, Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource CentreOntario Confidential support services for: * currently serving and former Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who have been affected by sexual misconduct * Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers * Department of N ... [More] Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Canadian Armed Forces members (Regular Force * Primary Reserve * Supplementary Reserve * Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service * Canadian Rangers * chain of command)
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Map RecordCanada. Service correctionnel Canada, Services aux victimes - Région du Québec

Map RecordCanada. Service correctionnel Canada, Services aux victimes - Région du QuébecLaval Provides victims with the information they need to have an effective voice in the federal correctional system * Register as a Victim * Provide a Victim Statement * Victim’s Portal * Making a Complaint ... [More] 514-229-5704 Victims of federal offender Add to List

Map RecordCarrefour des proches aidants de Québec

Map RecordCarrefour des proches aidants de Québec4-2- Orsainville (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-623-9579   Add to List

Map RecordCentre culturel islamique de Québec

Map RecordCentre culturel islamique de Québec3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-683-1329   Add to List

Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel Rive-Sud

 Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel Rive-SudLévis (Ville) Ressource and assistance center for women and teenagers victims of sex-related violence * awareness campaign and general public formation * Individual or group counselling * Support during legal, medi ... [More] 418-835-8342 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordCentre d'amitié autochtone de Québec

Map RecordCentre d'amitié autochtone de Québec7-3- Loretteville (Quartier) Meeting place bringing satisfaction to cultural, physical and social needs of Aboriginal * main building and referral and consultation services * assist with integration of new aboriginal individuals ... [More] 418-843-5818   Add to List

Centre de crise de Québec

 Centre de crise de Québec1-6- Saint-Sacrement (Quartier) More informations available in the French version Intervention de crise 418-688-4240 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Centre de référence du Grand Montréal, Drogue : aide et référence

 Centre de référence du Grand Montréal, Drogue : aide et référenceMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version   Add to List

Centre de référence du Grand Montréal, Jeu : aide et référence

 Centre de référence du Grand Montréal, Jeu : aide et référenceMontréal (Ville) Free, bilingual and confidential telephone service for information, support and referral regarding compulsive gambling and gaming * Referrals to appropriate services and resources throughout Québec * ... [More] 514-527-0140 Pathological gamblers * relatives * professionals Add to List

Map RecordCentre d'entraide Émotions

Map RecordCentre d'entraide Émotions3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-682-6070 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Centre d'hébergement Tipinuaikan

 Centre d'hébergement TipinuaikanUashat Accommodation resource for Aboriginal women victims of domestic or family violence and their children * Short and medium term accommodation for women and children from all indigenous communities * Ind ... [More] 418-962-3397 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Women of all Aboriginal communities who are victims of domestic or family violence * their children 
Thrift shop for all without discrimination
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Map RecordCentre hospitalier universitaire de Québec - Université Laval, Hôpital L'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec

Map RecordCentre hospitalier universitaire de Québec - Université Laval, Hôpital L'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec1-1- Vieux-Québec-Cap-Blanc-Colline parlementaire (Quartier) Hospital providing specialized and highly specialized care especially in oncology and nephrology 418-525-4444’hotel-dieu-de-quebec.aspx   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, Bureau de Thetford Mines, Programme Déficience physique

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, Bureau de Thetford Mines, Programme Déficience physiqueThetford Mines More informations available in the French version 418-338-7778   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, CLSC de Beauceville

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, CLSC de BeaucevilleBeauceville More informations available in the French version 418-774-3410   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, Hôpital de Montmagny, Programme Déficience physique, Bureau de Montmagny

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, Hôpital de Montmagny, Programme Déficience physique, Bureau de MontmagnyMontmagny (Ville) More informations available in the French version 418-248-0639   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, Programme Déficience physique

Map RecordCentre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches, Programme Déficience physiqueCharny (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-380-2064 
Guichet d'accès 418-761-2737 (418-761-CRDP)   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale5-5- Vieux-Moulin (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-266-1019   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Québec

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Québec6-2- Maizerets (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-663-5008 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Direction de la protection de la jeunesse

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Direction de la protection de la jeunesse5-5- Vieux-Moulin (Quartier) More informations available in the French version Administration 418-661-6951 Ages: 18 year(s) and under Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, CLSC de Baie-Saint-Paul

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, CLSC de Baie-Saint-PaulBaie-Saint-Paul Routine health services and social services, of a preventive or curative nature, of rehabilitation or reintegration * Food aid - OLO program * Health insurance card authentication * Contraception and ... [More] 418-435-5475 
Appointment for routine services 418-435-9002 
Home support (access desk) 418-651-3888 
Family-Childhood-Youth Appointment 418-435-5475 
Complaints 418-691-0762   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Hôpital de Baie-Saint-Paul

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Hôpital de Baie-Saint-PaulBaie-Saint-Paul More informations available in the French version 418-435-5150  
Centre de rendez-vous 418-435-5272  
Prélèvements 418-435-9129  
Centre désigné de dépistage du cancer du sein 418-435-5818  
Guichet d'accès pour clientèle sans médecin 418-435-5150   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Hôpital de La Malbaie

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Hôpital de La MalbaieLa Malbaie More informations available in the French version 418-665-1700  
Centre de rendez-vous 418-665-1700 poste 1750  
Prélèvements 418-665-1700 poste 1146  
Imagerie médicale - radiologie, mammographie 418-665‑1700 poste 1723   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Hôpital régional de Portneuf et CLSC Saint-Raymond

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Hôpital régional de Portneuf et CLSC Saint-RaymondSaint-Raymond On the front line, offer the population of the territory they serve, health services and current social services, of a preventive or curative nature, of rehabilitation or reintegration General health ... [More] Hôpital et CLSC 418-337-4611 
Centrale de rendez-vous 418-666-7525   Add to List

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Services communautaires de langue anglaise Jeffery Hale, Hôpital Jeffery Hale, Jeffery Hale Community Services in English

Map RecordCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale, Services communautaires de langue anglaise Jeffery Hale, Hôpital Jeffery Hale, Jeffery Hale Community Services in English1-6- Saint-Sacrement (Quartier) Health and social services in English for all ages including information and referral * Individual counseling * Help finding an English-speaking professional Services for parents of young children fro ... [More] 418-684-5333 (418-684-JEFF)   Add to List

Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Ligne Aide Abus Aînés, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Elder Abuse Provincial Helpline

 Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Ligne Aide Abus Aînés, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Elder Abuse Provincial HelplineMontréal (Ville) Provincial helpline and referral service for those seeking support and information in cases of elder abuse and mistreatment * Assessment of the situation, crisis and emergency intervention, if needed ... [More] 514-489-2287 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordCentre La Barre du jour

Map RecordCentre La Barre du jourSaint-Gervais More informations available in the French version 418-887-7100   Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordCentre-Dieu L'Oasis

Map RecordCentre-Dieu L'OasisLévis (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-837-5484       Add to List

Map RecordChantelait

Map RecordChantelait3-4- Plateau (Quartier) Breasfeeding help, informations and support to pregnant and breastfeeding women or persons and their family or circle * Phone listening support * Support mother-to-mother (twinning) * Invidual breastf ... [More] 418-877-5333 Breastfeeding women or persons * pregnant women or persons and their entourage Add to List

Map RecordChildren Now, Avant tout, les enfants

Map RecordChildren Now, Avant tout, les enfantsMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-593-4303   Add to List

Map RecordChildren Now, Bureau de Québec

Map RecordChildren Now, Bureau de Québec4-5- Saint-Charles-Borromée (Quartier) More information available in the French version 418-650-2105   Add to List

Map RecordComptoir Le Grenier

Map RecordComptoir Le GrenierLévis (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-835-5336 Ages: 17 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordCrime Victims Assistance Center of Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches

Map RecordCrime Victims Assistance Center of Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches1-5- Saint-Sauveur (Quartier) Front-line services for victims and witnesses of crime, as well as their relatives Free and confidential services * Phone consultation * Post-traumatic and psychosocial intervention * Legal informatio ... [More] 418-648-2190  
Call to make an appointment with a local support worker 
* La Malbaie, courthouse, 418-665-8166  
* Lévis, point of service, 418-833-9993  
* Montmagny, courthouse, 418-248-0886  
* Portneuf and Huron-Wendat First Nation, point of service, 418-873-1254  
* Québec, courthouse, 418-649-3527 *418-649-3500 poste 42024 * 418-649-3500 poste 42330  
* Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce, courthouse, 418-397-7192 * 418-397-8439  
* Thetford Mines, regional police department, 418-338-0952 Victims, relatives or witnesses of a crime Add to List

Map RecordDauphine (La)

Map RecordDauphine (La)1-1- Vieux-Québec-Cap-Blanc-Colline parlementaire (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-694-9616 Ages: 12 year(s) - 35 year(s) Add to List

Map RecordDiocèse de Québec, Pastorale jeunesse et vocationnelle

Map RecordDiocèse de Québec, Pastorale jeunesse et vocationnelle3-1- Sillery (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-688-1211 Ages: 13 year(s) - 35 year(s) Add to List

Map RecordDrug Free Kids Canada

Map RecordDrug Free Kids CanadaOttawa Online Support for empowering and educating parents to help prevent and reduce the harms of problematic substance use by kids * information and tools to engage with kids about the use of substances, t ... [More] 416-479-6972   Add to List

Map RecordÉduc'alcool

Map RecordÉduc'alcoolMontréal (Ville) More information available in the French version 514-875-5830 Ages: 12 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordFirst Nation and Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec and Labrador

Map RecordFirst Nation and Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec and LabradorMontréal (Ville) Participation in all efforts aimed at promoting the well-being and balance of the Aboriginal populations of Quebec * First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line * community awareness, preventi ... [More] 514-933-6066   Add to List

Map RecordFolie / Culture

Map RecordFolie / Culture1-2- Saint-Roch (Quartier) Raising awareness, information and promotion in the field of mental health, broadening the notion of mental health and increasing the public's tolerance in the face of deviant manifestations or percei ... [More] 418-649-0999 Adults with a mental health problem and interested in creation, arts and culture Add to List

Map RecordFondation québécoise du cancer

Map RecordFondation québécoise du cancerMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-527-2194   Add to List

Map RecordFondation québécoise du cancer, Centre régional de Québec

Map RecordFondation québécoise du cancer, Centre régional de Québec6-2- Maizerets (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-657-5334 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List


 Gam-AnonUSA Personal recovery program offered to family and friends of problem gamblers, whether or not the gambler seeks help or even if he does not recognize the existence of the gambling problem * speakers * s ... [More] 718-352-1671 
Montréal 450-678-0897 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Families and friends of compulsive gamblers
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Gîtée (La)

 Gîtée (La)Thetford Mines More informations available in the French version 418-335-5551   Add to List

Map RecordGroupe d'aide aux personnes impulsives

Map RecordGroupe d'aide aux personnes impulsives4-5- Saint-Charles-Borromée (Quartier) More information available in the French version 418-529-3446 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordGroupe d'aide et d'information sur le harcèlement sexuel au travail de la province de Québec

Map RecordGroupe d'aide et d'information sur le harcèlement sexuel au travail de la province de QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version Reversed calls accepted 514-526-0789 Workers of all ages Add to List

Havre des femmes (Le)

 Havre des femmes (Le)L'Islet (Municipalité) More information available in the French version 418-247-7622   Add to List

Map RecordInfo-Cult

Map RecordInfo-CultMontréal (Ville) Help, information, consultation and documentation centre on « cults », new religious movements, groups and related subjects * support, sensitization, information and education about cultic phenomena * ... [More] 514-274-2333   Add to List

Map RecordInstitut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec - Université Laval

Map RecordInstitut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec - Université Laval3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) Hospital center providing diagnostic, surgical and medical services in various medical specialties, particularly in cardiology, pneumology and obesity surgery Health services * teaching center on Chro ... [More] 418-656-8711 
Appointment Center 418-656-4827   Add to List

Map RecordIntégration sociale des enfants en milieu de garde

Map RecordIntégration sociale des enfants en milieu de gardeVieux-Longueuil (Arrondissement) More information available in the French version 450-646-2714   Add to List


 iQuitnowMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version at and on this page ... [More] People who want to stop smoking * People who already quit or for those who want to help somone to quit smoking Add to List

Kids Help Phone

 Kids Help PhoneToronto Phone and on-line counselling service for youth * It’s free, anonymous and confidential * Professional counsellors are available any time of the day or night, 365 days a year, to help young people dea ... [More] Ages: 5 year(s) - 20 year(s) 
Kids * teens * students
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Map RecordLauberivière, Dégrisement et interventions de crise psychosociale

Map RecordLauberivière, Dégrisement et interventions de crise psychosociale1-2- Saint-Roch (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-694-9316 poste 271 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordLibre Espace Côte-de-Beaupré

Map RecordLibre Espace Côte-de-BeaupréSainte-Anne-de-Beaupré More information available on the French version 418-827-1551 
Listening line 581-983-7743 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordMaison de la famille de Bellechasse

Map RecordMaison de la famille de BellechasseSaint-Lazare-de-Bellechasse More informations available in the French version 418-883-3101   Add to List

Maison des femmes de Québec

 Maison des femmes de QuébecQuébec (Ville) More informations available in the French version Help and Information 418-522-0042 
Administration 418-914-5289 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Maison pour femmes immigrantes

 Maison pour femmes immigrantesQuébec (Ville) More informations available in the French version 418-652-9761 * WhatsApp 418-208-4967 
Interpreters 418-573-3035 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordMamie-lait

Map RecordMamie-lait7-3- Loretteville (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-847-1957   Add to List

Mental Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples, Sujets et informations générales

 Mental Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples, Sujets et informations généralesOttawa Immediate, culturally competent, telephone and Chat crisis intervention counselling support for First Nations and Inuit Inuits et membres des Premières Nations Add to List

Montréal Sexual Assault Centre

 Montréal Sexual Assault CentreMontréal (Ville) More information available on the French version Administration 514-731-8531 poste 47456 
Info-aide violence sexuelle, Montréal 514-933-9007 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Services médicaux et suivi clinique pour adultes victimes d'agression sexuelle * Info-aide violence sexuelle pour les personnes touchées par toute forme de violence sexuelle
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Montréal Sexual Assault Centre, Info-aide violence sexuelle

 Montréal Sexual Assault Centre, Info-aide violence sexuelleMontréal (Ville) The Sexual Violence Helpline is a listening, support and referral service for anyone affected by sexual violence * Services are confidential, free of charge, and offered in French and English For people affected by any form of sexual violence: for victims, their relatives * people who work with sexual violence victims Add to List

Map RecordMothers Against Drunk Driving

Map RecordMothers Against Drunk DrivingOntario More informations available in the French version   Add to List

Map RecordMouvement d'information et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le VIH-sida à Québec

Map RecordMouvement d'information et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le VIH-sida à Québec1-4- Montcalm (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-649-1720 
Ligne sida-aide 418-649-0788   Add to List

Mouvement d'information et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le VIH-sida à Québec, Prisme-Québec

 Mouvement d'information et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le VIH-sida à Québec, Prisme-Québec1-4- Montcalm (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-649-1232 Ages: 22 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordMouvement Santé mentale Québec

Map RecordMouvement Santé mentale QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-849-3291   Add to List

Map RecordOperation Come Home

Map RecordOperation Come HomeOttawa Preventing homeless youth from becoming homeless adults Reunite Program, * reunites runaway youth with their families across Canada * If home is not an option ... [More] 613-230-4663 Reunite for runaway youth (16-25 years) Add to List

Map RecordOptions Grossesse

Map RecordOptions Grossesse3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) Non-profit agency offering compassionate support and assistance to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy or experiencing emotional effects after an abortion * Pregnancy options counselling : parenting, ... [More] 418-952-4700   Add to List

Map RecordOvereaters Anonymous

Map RecordOvereaters AnonymousUSA More informations available in the French version 505-891-2664   Add to List

Map RecordParents orphelins

Map RecordParents orphelinsMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-686-4880   Add to List

Map RecordPartage au masculin

Map RecordPartage au masculinSaint-Georges More information in the french version Lévis, Laurier-Station et Saint-Lazare 418-835-9444 
Montmagny et Saint-Jean-Port-Joli 418-248-1212 
Saint-Georges et Lac-Etchemin 418-228-7682 
Sainte-Marie 418-387-1200 
Thetford Mines 418-335-6677 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Hommes en difficulté et en cheminement
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Map RecordPassage (Le) - Centre de thérapie familiale en toxicomanie

Map RecordPassage (Le) - Centre de thérapie familiale en toxicomanie3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-527-0916 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordPortage

Map RecordPortageMontréal (Ville) Helps people suffering from substance abuse-related problems to overcome their dependencies and live healthy, happy, and productive lives See individual files * Centre résidentiel Saint-Malachie * Cen ... [More] 514-939-0202 Ages: 14 year(s) and up Add to List

Portage, Programme mère-enfant

 Portage, Programme mère-enfantMontréal (Ville) Residential drug addiction rehabilitation program that allow mothers with young children and pregnant women suffering from drug addiction to maintain custody of their children while in treatment Head Office 514-939-0202 
Information and Admissions 514-935-3152 Pregnant women and mothers with substance abuse problems along with their young children Add to List

Portage, Programme pour toxicomanes souffrant de problèmes de santé mentale (TSTM)

 Portage, Programme pour toxicomanes souffrant de problèmes de santé mentale (TSTM)Montréal (Ville) Residential drug rehabilitation program for men and women, 18 years old and older, suffering from both mental illness (primarily schizophrenia) and substance abuse, treating the two disorders as well ... [More] Head Office 514-939-0202 
Information and Admissions 514-935-3431 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Men and Women suffering from both mental illness (primarily schizophrenia) and substance abuse
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Première ressource, aide aux parents

 Première ressource, aide aux parentsMontréal (Ville) Free and anonymous telephone service wich provides professional counseling to families about every day life matters concerning the relationship between parent and children 514-525-2573 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordProgramme d'encadrement clinique et d'hébergement

Map RecordProgramme d'encadrement clinique et d'hébergement1-2- Saint-Roch (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-523-2820 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordProgramme d'encadrement clinique et d'hébergement, Camp de base

Map RecordProgramme d'encadrement clinique et d'hébergement, Camp de base1-1- Vieux-Québec-Cap-Blanc-Colline parlementaire (Quartier) Housing for adult men in difficulty, living in a situation of homelessness or at risk of wandering * accompaniment and support towards recovery * Short, medium or long term accommodation * Assistance ... [More] Maison Mère-Mallet 418-692-1762 poste 269 
PECH 418-523-2820 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Adult men in difficulty, living in a situation of homelessness or at risk of wandering
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Map RecordProjet intervention prostitution de Québec

Map RecordProjet intervention prostitution de Québec1-5- Saint-Sauveur (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-641-0168   Add to List

Map RecordQuébec Breast Cancer Foundation

Map RecordQuébec Breast Cancer FoundationMontréal (Ville) Funding for innovative breast cancer research * Promoting breast health through education and awareness * Conferences in schools and workplaces * Development and distribution of educational materials ... [More] 514-871-1717   Add to List

Map RecordQuébec Lung Association

Map RecordQuébec Lung AssociationMontréal (Ville) More information available on the French version 514-287-7400   Add to List

Map RecordQuébec. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse

Map RecordQuébec. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesseMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-873-5146   Add to List

Map RecordQuébec. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, Bureau régional de Québec

Map RecordQuébec. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, Bureau régional de Québec1- La Cité - Limoilou (Arrondissement) More informations available in the French version   Add to List

Map RecordQuébec. Office des personnes handicapées du Québec

Map RecordQuébec. Office des personnes handicapées du QuébecMRC de Drummond More information available on the French version   Add to List

Map RecordRelais d'Espérance

Map RecordRelais d'Espérance6-3- Vieux-Limoilou (Quartier) More information available on the French version 418-522-3301 Ages: 16 year(s) and up Add to List

Map RecordRelief - The path of mental health

Map RecordRelief - The path of mental healthMontréal (Ville) More information available on the French version Administration 514-529-3081 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
For people living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity, and their loved ones * Adults
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Map RecordRessource Genesis Charlevoix

Map RecordRessource Genesis CharlevoixLa Malbaie Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling and other consumption problems prevention and testing * support for rehabilitation and social reintegration * support for relatives * Individual meetings * Short a ... [More] 418-665-3912 Ages: 14 year(s) and up 
Youth, adults and seniors with substance use problems
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Sexaholics Anonymous

 Sexaholics AnonymousBeloeil Program of recovery for those who want to stop their sexualy self-destructive thinking and behavior * Twelve Step program like Alcoholics Anonymous to recover from lust addiction (Searching compulsive ... [More] Montréal 514-254-8181 
Québec 418-800-3871 
Trois-Rivières 819-489-0547 Ages: 18 year(s) and up Add to List

Sexaholics Anonymous, Région de Québec

 Sexaholics Anonymous, Région de QuébecQuébec (Ville) More information available in the French version 418-800-3871 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
More information available on the French version
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Map RecordSociété Huntington du Québec

Map RecordSociété Huntington du QuébecMontréal (Ville) Enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by Huntington's Disease and their families * Contributing to research for new treatments leading to a cure * Consultation for affected individual ... [More] Head office 514-282-4272 Individuals affected by Huntington's Disease, their families, and their caregivers * At-risk individuals * Healthcare professionals Add to List

SOS violence conjugale

 SOS violence conjugaleMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version Administration 514-728-0023   Add to List

Map RecordSt. John Ambulance, Conseil du Québec

Map RecordSt. John Ambulance, Conseil du QuébecMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version 514-842-4801   Add to List


 Tel-jeunesMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version Administration 514-288-1444 
Texto 514-600-1002 Ages: 12 year(s) - 17 year(s) Add to List

Tel-jeunes, Tel-jeunes Parents

 Tel-jeunes, Tel-jeunes ParentsMontréal (Ville) More informations available in the French version Administration 514-288-1444   Add to List

Map RecordThalidomide Victims Association of Canada

Map RecordThalidomide Victims Association of CanadaMontréal (Ville) To empower its members and to improve their quality of life 514-355-0811   Add to List

Map RecordThe Dr. Clown Foundation

Map RecordThe Dr. Clown FoundationVille-Marie (Arrondissement) More information available on the French version 514-845-7628 Specialized schools * hospitals * nursing homes * hospices Add to List

Map RecordUniversité Laval, Service de consultation de l'École de psychologie

Map RecordUniversité Laval, Service de consultation de l'École de psychologie3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) More informations available in the French version Consultation 418-656-5490   Add to List

Violence Info

 Violence Info4- Charlesbourg (Arrondissement) Intervention et prévention pour contrer la violence conjugale, amoureuse et post-séparation * services spécialisés, gratuits et confidentiels Intervention * écoute téléphonique et référence * suivis i ... [More] 418-667-8770   Add to List

Map RecordWalgwan Center

Map RecordWalgwan CenterGesgapegiag National rehabilitation center that offers services in French and English to First Nations and Inuit youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who are suffering from substance abuse and dependence 418-759-3006 Ages: 12 year(s) - 17 year(s) 
First Nations and Inuit youth who are suffering from substance abuse and dependence
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Map RecordWounded Warriors Canada

Map RecordWounded Warriors CanadaOntario Creating an environment of compassion, resiliency and hope for Canada’s Veterans, First Responders and their families * As a mental health service provider, provide a range of clinically facilitated p ... [More]   Add to List

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