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[ Browse by Service Category : Canadian Courts : Sub-Topics of Provincial/Territorial Courts (5) ]

Civil Division of Provincial/Territorial Court

A division of the Provincial/Territorial Court that covers a range of non-criminal issues involving civil issues and litigation. Many matters may be handled by a body known as the Small Claims Court, which has jurisdiction in civil matters involving a maximum dollar amount which varies from province to province (territory to territory) but is usually in the $5,000 - $12,000 range. The claim must be for debt, damages, recovery of personal property or specific performance relative to or regarding cancellation of a contract. Small Claims Court strives for a more informal procedural system where individuals often represent themselves.

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Family Division of Provincial/Territorial Court

A division of the Provincial/Territorial Court available in some provinces and territories that focuses on hearing matters relating to family disputes including domestic violence (where there is no separate domestic violence division of the court), spousal and child support/maintenance, division of family property, paternity, custody of and access to children and child welfare.

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Youth Division of Provincial/Territorial Court

A division of the Provincial/Territorial Court available in some provinces and territories that focuses on criminal matters involving young offenders as defined by the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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